
Sustainable Agriculture

Since we had to stop a lot of our work in 2020 due to Corona, we focused on agriculture. This developed an area that has become very helpful for the future of the people we serve in Uganda.

In the demonstration farm that has been created, over 40 different types of vegetables are grown in sustainable and innovative ways. In doing so, we show joy in our work and try many ways and possibilities to grow plants. Using discarded plastic bottles, old car tires, or simple wooden frames, we grow vertically to create more growing space. Vertical gardening or container gardening are sustainable ways of vegetable agriculture. In this way, families who do not have large areas to grow vegetables can still do so.

Three new fish ponds showcase the breeding of fish.
In the farm there are also new cultivation techniques such as hydroponic and aquaponic systems.

The farm can be visited and as interns our students and also students from other agricultural schools learn a lot practically.
Our farm has generated a lot of interest and we are amazed at how many people come to see the innovations. Among them are local government officials, representatives from other districts, and other missionaries and organizations.

Even if you don't have fertile soil, there are so many ways to grow, I know that now

I learned so much, especially about organic farming, and now I want to try it myself

I know more about vegetable growing now, and know new vegetables like broccoli and kohlrabi

We worked and learned a lot in the greenhouse

It was God's grace that I ended up here

The farm is unique in the whole region

Nazareth House

Nearly 50% of Uganda's population is under the age of 15, and 60% is under the age of 18. For some of these many children and youth, there are not enough adult caregivers to care, spend time, show love, and help with learning. Even after two years in elementary school, less than one-third of children can identify letters or read simple words. Only about 52% of children complete elementary school. 25% of girls have a child before or by the time they are 18, and nearly half of all girls are married by then.* In northern Uganda, where the city of Arua is located, these numbers are often even higher.
To support the children and youth in the Pajulu neighborhood of Arua in their development and to alleviate their hardship, we opened Nazareth House in 2020, with the help of Ora International Austria.

Luke 2:52 "And Jesus increased in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man." Lukas 2:52

Nazareth House is a children's center and a safe place for children where they experience acceptance and are nurtured holistically (physically, emotionally, socially, mentally, and spiritually) through different approaches.
Volunteers there play with children, read, and learn with them, encourage them, are simply there for them and strengthen parents and families. There are open meetings where often well over 100 children come and read books, paint, play games and sports or participate in a Bible program. For young people, there are programs where they can ask questions, discover themselves and the world, and consider what choices will give them a good future. There are also different clubs, depending on the interest of the children and the skills of the volunteers, for example dancing, baking or soccer.

It is a place where every child feels welcome and loved, where they can learn and try things for which there are not enough resources or people at home or at school.
We also involve the whole family through home visits and seminars for parents. Seminars on topics such as nutrition, vegetable gardening, parenting, pregnancy and family planning, and much more. When we notice children in need, for example sick and without money for medicine, neglected, or with an acute lack of food in the house, we help as much as we can and then try to find long-term solutions for the children and families.

Nazareth House depends on volunteers who invest their time in the children’s lives, and that is why we are grateful for Youth with a Mission Arua. They work with us in the management of the center, provide volunteers and help carry out the daily work. Some volunteers are also from local church communities. In this way the center has developed into a collaborative community project, all for the benefit of the children!
Willst du einem bedürftigen Kind Schulbildung und noch viel mehr ermöglichen? Das geht durch eine Kinderpatenschaft.


  • Education

    We encourage and support the children in acquiring different types of education

  • Development

    We start with the children's strengths and resources and support them in mastering their developmental tasks

  • Children's participation

    We tailor our programs to meet the diverse needs and wishes of children and families. Children can actively participate and experience themselves as self effective.

  • Children at risk

    Wir identifizieren Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten für Kinder in Not: Wenn uns Kinder in Not auffallen, bieten wir Hilfen an um Grundbedürfnisse abzudecken, versuchen langfristig die Lebensqualität zu steigern und die Kinder und Familien psychosozial zu unterstützen

  • Faith

    We teach the basics of the Christian faith

Daniel Project

More than 1 million of the refugees from South Sudan are children. Children whose future is very uncertain due to war, violence and poverty. By attending school regularly, they can look forward to this future with more hope, knowledge and self-confidence. In partnership with the aid organization CDH Stephanus, we are now able to provide schooling for over 600 children and young people in Rhino Camp, a refugee camp near Arua in northern Uganda! Our focus is on particularly needy children, e.g. orphans or half-orphans, children living with grandparents, relatives, single parents or sick parents.

We want these South Sudanese children to be like Daniel and his friends in the Bible, who enjoyed a good education in exile and were blessed by God with wisdom. Through hard and faithful work, he succeeded and was a blessing to his own people as well as the country in which he involuntarily resided. We not only pay the school fees but also do programs with the children in the schools to tell them about God's love and His good plans for their lives. The cycle of violence, revenge and corruption can only be broken by a mentality of forgiveness, integrity and love. We are proud of the many refugee children and young people who are seeking a way out of their situation through education and want to work towards change in their country.

"To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning.." Daniel 1:17

It is difficult to learn without exercise books, so the children also get some school requirements from us.

We pay school fees for 620 children like this one.

Many of the huts the children live in in the refugee camp don't offer enough protection from rain.

Community Development

Emergency aid

Our offers are designed to free people from poverty in the long term and to help them become self-sufficient. We do not want to create more dependency through unwise gifts and aid.
Nevertheless, sometimes situations arise in which quick emergency relief is necessary before we can think about the long-term perspective. For example, sick children for whom there is no money for medicine, or families who have had hardly any food in the house for days. In such cases, we provide emergency aid within our means.

Due to the Corona Pandemic in 2021 a large part of the economy in Uganda was paralyzed and this meant hunger for many families. We were able to distribute food packages to over 1350 families and be a blessing to them during this difficult time.

Nevertheless, sometimes situations arise in which quick emergency relief is necessary before we can think about the long-term perspective. For example, sick children for whom there is no money for medicine, or families who have had hardly any food in the house for days. In such cases, we provide emergency aid within our means.

The economic situation in Uganda often leads to a lack of perspective, violence and addiction problems among young men. Besides the fun factor, which sport brings, it also creates connection, requires discipline, creates goals and is therefore a great way to meet these men, offer help and pass on God's love in the process. We want to emphasize fair play in the tournament and discover and encourage young talent. God's word is shared with the men through prayer and messages, encouraging them to pursue goals beyond soccer and to live community and team spirit.

Our soccer club in Arua has a men's team that competes in the Ugandan league system, a junior team and a women's team.

Soccer, as the most popular sport in Uganda, is a great way to reach young people living in poverty, inspire them, and give them hope for their future. Without good schooling or job opportunities, it's easy to lose perspective and get even more caught in a cycle of poverty through alcohol and drug abuse. The relationships within the team, the sport itself and spiritual input during training help avoid this.

The cost of jerseys and training materials, transportation to away games, and registration fees are often not something the players can afford on their own, which is where our financial support comes in.

Soccer club

Health Training

"What's the best way to feed a baby whose mother died at birth?" "I thought you could only get pregnant just before or just after your period?" "I heard that if you take paracetamol the day after you have sex, you can't get pregnant. Is that true?"
These and many more questions are asked at our classes on reproductive health. Uganda has one of the highest birth rates in the world, and unfortunately also a high mother and child mortality rate.

In our courses we try to address these topics that are often considered taboo in society and try to raise awareness. Participants in our courses are encouraged to share the knowledge they have learned within their neighborhood and community.

In addition to teaching theory, for example education on topics such as menstruation, hygiene and contraception, participants are also taught practical tips. For example, we also show how to sew reusable sanitary pads. This is an enormous relief for women and girls who often have no access at all to appropriate hygiene articles. Schoolgirls who were unable to attend school during their periods due to a lack of sanitary pads, and so missed a lot of lessons, can now attend school without interruption.

The Good News

As a Christian organization, everything we do is about sharing God's love in a practical way and giving true hope that cannot be taken away by any circumstances. We also want to pass on a deeper understanding of the Bible and help people come closer to God.
In our training schools, for example, there is always a devotion before class. In the evaluations at the end of the training, these devotions are rated very well every time, and in many comments from the students they are even described as life-changing.
We organize conferences in Arua to encourage and strengthen Christians and to teach the Bible. To do this, we partner with local churches and invite guest preachers.

Each week we also have a radio program on a station in Arua, covering a variety of topics and often discussing questions from callers about the Bible or personal issues.

We share the Good News that Jesus came into this world, died for our sins, conquered death and now wants to give us a new life close to God. With him lies our hope and the hope for all the women, men, and children with whom we work.

Projekt Zwei-Fünf e.V. | Josef-Otto-Kolb Str.4 91353 Hausen
Telefon: 09191685182 | Email: office@project-twofive.org

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