Hope is
the beginning of change

Hope is the beginning of change

The vision of Project Two-Five is to empower people in Africa to live self-sufficient and fulfilled lives, thereby showing them the love of God. This is done in a very practical way through training schools and other projects.

Our Story

Project Two-Five, like many organizations, started with a vision. A vision of an organization that would help build self-sufficient communities in Africa. The visionary and founder is Mac John Njidda. He led several outreach teams to South Sudan in his work with Youth With A Mission and that was when he saw the need...

Our Projects

Vocational Training

Nazareth House


Community Development

Mac John Njidda

Mac John Njidda is from Nigeria and is a graduate of several mission schools. He has been working as a missionary for over 10 years in various countries around the world, including Germany and the USA. He founded Project Two-Five after seeing the need of the people during outreaches in South Sudan. It is important to him to see people holistically and to support them in discovering and developing their own potential.


Our Goal

Das Ziel von Project Two-Five ist es, Menschen durch die Gnade Gottes zu befähigen ihr Leben mit Entschlossenheit, Selbstvertrauen und Würde zu bewältigen, Not zu lindern und Lebensumstände zu verbessern. Wir wollen Menschen helfen ihre unentdeckten Fähigkeiten und ihr Potenzial zum Vorschein zu bringen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen bilden wir unter anderem in vier Berufsschulen in Uganda und im Südsudan junge Erwachsene aus.


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Bring Hope

Even the smallest Donation can do amazing things! In Africa school is not for free - so with 10$ you can already change so much. Thanks for your support!

Projekt Zwei-Fünf e.V. | Josef-Otto-Kolb Str.4 91353 Hausen
Telefon: 09191685182 | Email: office@project-twofive.org

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Project TwoFive