Back in Yei!

We are finally back where we started!
7 years after the start of the civil war in Yei, South Sudan, we were able to reopen our school there! In one of the poorest countries in the world, 51 students are now learning new skills in our tailoring and catering school. Many people have fled from the surrounding villages to the town because it is still not safe outside the city. Due to the fact that they have no land to cultivate in town, they are especially affected by poverty and all the problems that come with it. According to our tailoring teacher Susan, single mothers in particular were happy about the new offer. Some have become widows because of the war, others are still teenagers. Thanks to all who make this possible through their donations!

Projekt Zwei-Fünf e.V. | Josef-Otto-Kolb Str.4 91353 Hausen
Telefon: 09191685182 | Email:

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Project TwoFive